If you invest in mutual funds or ETFs,

Rita℠ Can Help You Make More Money!

With Rita℠ you can quickly see how much more money you could have made by being in better performing mutual funds and ETFs.

Spoiler alert: You'll likely be shocked!

Mutual Fund Rankings

Until now investors have never been able to answer this key question:

“Of all available choices, which ones are best for me?”

Rita℠ enables you to quickly and easily answer that question in a way no other available tool can.

You’ll wonder why it’s not been available until now.

Spoiler alert: Do you think Wall Street really wants you to have that information?

See just how good your mutual funds are

compared to others

Now, for the first time, see how yours compare - not just to an

index but to every other fund or ETF you could have chosen.

Spoiler alert: Again, you'll likely be shocked!

With Rita℠ you can score and rank hundreds of mutual funds in moments

With Rita℠ you can quickly see if there are much better mutual funds & ETF choices than yours. Spoiler alert: There likely are!

See how good the funds brokers, advisors, and others are recommending actually are.

With Rita℠ not only can you quickly see that, you’ll also be better protected from being talked into buying inferior mutual funds and ETFs. Spoiler alert: What protection from that do you have now?

Do you have a lot of investment choices in your 401(k) plan and don’t know which ones to pick?

With Rita℠ not only can you quickly see which mutual funds are best for you, you’ll see how much more you could have made had you held those better choices. Rita℠ can also help you suggest better investment choices to be offered in your plan.

Prevent conflicts of interest from steering you into poor performing funds.

Ever worry that conflicts of interest may be negatively affecting the recommendations you’ve been getting? Rita℠’s patented decision-assistance technology effectively filters out all conflicts of interest, ensuring that you’re seeing the mutual funds and ETF’s that are objectively best for you.

While investing involves Risks and past performance is no guarantee of future results, regular use of Rita℠ enables you to answer this key performance monitoring question:

“How did my choice do versus all of the other choices I could have selected?”

If your mutual funds or ETFs start to drop in rank, you’ll now get to see which ones are moving up – all within the same asset class, the same goals and ranking criteria (yours), and same market conditions – something no investor has ever gotten to see. This can help you avoid one of the chief causes of chronic under-performance: holding poor performing choices far too long.

How Rita Empowers You!

Easy to Use

Rita℠ is a web-based scoring and ranking application which provides you a search bar to easily enter in your choice of mutual fund or ETF ticker symbols, names, or asset classes, on any device, wherever you are connected to the internet.

Immediate Results

Initial results within Rita℠ display the top 10 highest scoring mutual funds and ETFs (you can see up to 50) along with your choice in the asset class and the class benchmark, based upon initial default settings.

24 Core Performance Factors

Initial results within Rita℠ display a score and a ranking derived from an initial blend of 6 weighted performance factors 1, 3, and 5-year average annual returns and 1, 3, and 5-year average annual volatility (risk). You can choose from 24 total performance factors and individually weight them in order of importance to you.

Choose Your Own Performance Factors

The Rita℠ performance factor menu allows you to choose which performance factors you wish to use in scoring and ranking the available choices and then lets you select the percentage weight of each of those factors based on our personal preferences and investment objectives.

Composite Scoring

Rita℠ generates a composite score for each mutual fund, ETF, and the Benchmark of the asset class based on the weighted performance factors you’ve chosen and is then used to rank all the available funds in the asset class, including yours, with the highest composite score ranking first.

The Final Results

Rita℠ displays the mutual fund or ETF you entered in the resulting table, displaying its numeric rank based on its composite score along with the top scoring funds and the benchmark for the asset class. And it will have all been done your way!


Learn More About Rita℠

AI vs. Human Investment Advisor

Is there any difference between an “AI” and a Human Investment Advisor?

September 01, 20236 min read

Investors are left to blindly trust either recommendation without any way to verify their benefits.

Transparency & control are lacking for investors getting advice from either AI or human investment advisors, leaving them to blindly trust recommendations without any way to verify their benefits, exposing them to biases & conflicts of interest.

Will there be any meaningful difference for individual investors between using a human investment advisor or an AI investment advisory platform? Probably not. The investors’ experiences with each will likely be functionally identical.  

Both lack transparency and in neither do investors have any real control. Both require investors to “trust” that what will be recommended will be “best” for them, with no way to “verify” that is it is or will be. This inability leaves individual investors vulnerable to defective processes, biases, conflicts of interest, and possible outright abuses, all of which can corrupt the advisory process and degrade investment results.  

The newly introduced “Retail Investment Tracking Application℠” (“Rita℠”), for individual investors, was created to specifically remedy these two deficiencies. Using it, you have complete and fully transparent control over the comparative evaluation of the mutual funds and ETFs in each asset class and can independently identify and select the ones you feel are best for you. Importantly, Rita℠ can be used in both advisory scenarios.

There’s a lot being written about the use of “AI” (Artificial Intelligence) platforms in picking investments.  One concern, within the financial services community, is that it might operate to displace investment advisors. After all, if AI is commonly believed to be “smarter” than human beings, wouldn’t getting investment advice from AI be inherently superior?  While the predictive power of AI, and the ability to produce superior investment results is currently unknown and untested, the interactive experience of individual investors with each may be virtually identical.

When an individual investor interacts with an investment advisor, he or she provides the advisor with information about their financial circumstances, their investment needs and goals, their risk tolerance, etc.  The advisor then “disappears behind a curtain,” does something, and later reappears to tell the investor client, “here’s what I recommend.” 

The investor-client can ask the advisor, “how did you come up with that recommendation?” To which question, the advisor can respond by describing the most elaborate of processes, but the problem is that the client can’t independently verify anything the advisors says . Worse, the advisor knows that.

With that in mind, let’s consider what an individual investor’s interactions with an AI investment advisory platform will likely be (there are virtually none at this point, so this will be a “thought experiment”).  The individual investor will provide (enter) information about their financial circumstances, their investment needs and goals, their risk tolerance, etc.  The AI platform then internally (out of view of the investor) does something, and then provides a recommendation to the investor. 

The investor may (or, more likely, may not) have the ability to ask the AI platform, “how did you come up with that recommendation?” To which question, the AI platform can respond by describing the most elaborate of processes, but the problem is that the client can’t independently verify any part of that explanation.  Similarly, the creators of the AI platform know that.

So, what exactly is the difference?  In practical effect, there is none. The experiences will be virtually identical.

Are we asserting that there will be no advantage in following the advice of an AI investment selection platform over the investment recommendations of human investment advisors?  Not exactly. 

AI investment selection recommendations may better filter out the influence human emotions (the emotions of human advisors), but perhaps not the “biases.”  Human advisors are taught to believe certain things and proceed in certain ways. It’s a part of their training and is required for their licensing.  AI systems are also programed and trained and, recently, the “answers” they provide have been shown to reflect “biases” inherent in their programing.  Again, is there any meaningful difference?  It’s hard to see one.

Here are the key problems and what’s missing with both. Neither is “transparent” and in neither does the individual investor have any control.  Each requires that the investor “trust” that what will be recommended will be “best” for them, with no way to “verify” that is it is or will be.  And, because the individual investor possesses no real power, too often, it’s not.

This has been the key problem with the financial services marketplace all along.  The financial services industry has been vendor-dominated since inception. The last thing that a vendor of a financial product (including mutual funds and ETFs) would want is for individual investors to have the power to comparatively evaluate their products against all other similar products.

It would be naïve to believe that the financial services marketplace would develop and distribute a tool that will enable individual investors to perform such comparisons and find investment choices (other than theirs) that might better for them.  If it would benefit the financial services industry for such a tool to be available to individual investors, they would have created it and made it available long before now.  They haven’t and for that very reason.

What is needed is a Tool that directly deals with these problems and provides individual investors with bothtransparencyand morecontrol.”

Such a Tool has been recently introduced.  It’s Decision Technologies Corporation’s “Retail Investment Tracking Application℠” (“Rita℠”).  It enables individual investors to score and rank all available mutual funds and ETFs within any covered asset class (and most are covered), in mere moments, and in a way that effectively filters out all conflicts of interest. 

Seeing all available choices and the factors used in comparatively evaluating them. That’s transparency

Being able to select and weight the factors in ways that match your unique needs, goals, and preferences, so you can identify those that have proven best over time at producing the investment effects you are ideally seeking. That’s control.

The Rita website – https://sayrita.com – contains a growing body of educational and “how to” information, as well as news and commentary (like this), that individual investors will likely have never before seen . . . information often available only to investment advisors and brokers. It also provides actionable information that will help you to improve your investment results, perhaps dramatically.

Rita℠ can be tried, free of cost or obligation by going here.

Using it, you can quickly see how good the mutual funds and ETFs you are holding are in comparison to all of the others in which you could be investing.  And, if you have an investment advisor, you can quickly see just how good their investment choice recommendations, and/or the investment choices available in your own 401(k) plan, actually are and have been.

You should try it and see for yourself just how much money you may have been leaving on the table by being in sub-optimal investment choices that you’ve had no meaningful way to comparatively evaluate. Until now.

401(k)aiinvestment advisortransparencymutual fundsETFsinvestorsconflicts of interest
blog author image

Eric S. Smith, J.D.

Eric S. Smith, J.D. is CEO of Decision Technologies Corporation, and President and Investment Advisor Representative of Trustee Empowerment & Protection, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor

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Why Rita℠?

Worried about picking the right mutual funds and ETFs for your investment portfolio or your IRA or 401(k)? Rita℠ is the solution. Rita℠ is the only Retail Investment Tracking Application℠ that quickly and easily answers this key question: "Of all the available choices of mutual funds and ETFs, which ones are best for me? With Rita℠, you can feel confident that you're picking the best mutual fund and choices for your future. Stop guessing what's best for you - let Rita℠ do all the hard work!

“I've witnessed first-hand dozens of demonstrations of "RITA" to friends I’ve introduced. What's remarkable is when a person sees how much money he or she has not gotten over multiple years, they’re shocked. It shows them how much better they could be doing with this revolutionary investment tool.”

Robert S.

“This technology a game changer for individual investors. . . a major breakthrough.  Investors will now be able to see how much money they’re leaving on the table, and the information obtained from Rita is actionable.”

Albert M.

Any investing-related information provided on sayrita.com is for educational purposes only. Decision Technologies Corporation does not offer investment advisory or brokerage services, nor does it recommend or advise investors to buy or sell particular mutual funds, ETFs, or other investments.

© Copyright 2025. Rita℠ by Decision Technologies Corporation. All rights reserved