Within the Financial Services Marketplace, The Best Help for Individual Investors Is Often Self-Help.

Rita℠ provides you investment-related information previously only available to professionals to individual investors. This information can help you to protect yourself from "Marketplace Risk" and to make sound investment decisions.

Take “The Rita℠ Challenge” and You Could Win a Free Year of Rita℠.

Take “The Rita℠ Challenge” and You Could Win a Free Year of Rita℠.

August 02, 20242 min read

Even if you don’t win, the experience could be worth thousands to you.

Even if you don’t win, the experience could be worth thousands to you.

What’s “The Rita℠ Challenge”?

This is a simple test to see how good the mutual funds and/or ETFs in your portfolio or 401k plan actually are.

Here’s how to play:

  1. First, sign up here to use the free “Checkup” version of Rita℠ – there’s no obligation and no credit card required.

  2. Then, enter any of your current mutual fund and/or ETF investments into the input screen. When you hit the gear box button, Rita℠ will produce an initial scoring and ranking of your fund. If your mutual fund or ETF ranks #1, YOU WIN a free year of Rita℠, worth a total of $348.

  3. To get that free subscription, all you must do is send us a copy of a brokerage statement, dated before you signed up for the free version of Rita℠, showing that you really did own that fund.

That’s it. That’s all it takes.

What’s the catch? There is none.

You can enter as many times as you have mutual funds and/or ETFs in your portfolio. If you have 12, you can enter each one. If you have 20, you can enter 20 times and have 20 chances to win.

There is also no limit on the number of investors who can win. So, let’s find out if you are one of them.

Yes, we want you to try Rita℠. And, no, we we’re not saying that the initial scoring and ranking produced by Rita℠ reflects the mutual funds and ETFs that are “best” for you.

The initial combination of Risk and Return-related factors employed by Rita℠ are merely a starting point. You can individually customize the selection and weighting of those and such other factors as you may choose.

But that’s not all.

The “consolation prize” is that your time spent in taking “The Rita℠ Challenge” is not wasted and could be worth literally thousands of dollars to you. You get to see the performance gaps between the mutual funds and ETFs that you are holding compared to the funds you could be holding.

These gaps can be shockingly large, as you’ll see. Moreover, you get to personally control the selection and weighting of the factors important to you.

If you have any mutual funds or ETF holdings at all, moving from poorer performing choices to better choices, with the help of Rita℠, can mean thousands of dollars to you and your family. Take “The Rita℠ Challenge” and see for yourself.

The only way you can “lose” is by not trying it.

401(k)mutual fundsETFsinvestorsretirementfinancial productsiraretirement account
blog author image

Eric S. Smith, J.D.

Eric S. Smith, J.D. is CEO of Decision Technologies Corporation, and President and Investment Advisor Representative of Trustee Empowerment & Protection, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor

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Mark L.

"RITA is the greatest decision assistance technological invention of our time. This will change the way we invest forever."

Kay K.

Why Rita℠?

Worried about picking the right mutual funds and ETFs for your investment portfolio or your IRA or 401(k)? Rita℠ is the solution. Rita℠ is the only Retail Investment Tracking Application℠ that quickly and easily answers this key question: "Of all the available choices of mutual funds and ETFs, which ones are best for me? With Rita℠, you can feel confident that you're picking the best mutual fund and choices for your future. Stop guessing what's best for you - let Rita℠ do all the hard work!

“I've witnessed first-hand dozens of demonstrations of "RITA" to friends I’ve introduced. What's remarkable is when a person sees how much money he or she has not gotten over multiple years, they’re shocked. It shows them how much better they could be doing with this revolutionary investment tool.”

Robert S.

“This technology a game changer for individual investors. . . a major breakthrough.  Investors will now be able to see how much money they’re leaving on the table, and the information obtained from Rita is actionable.”

Albert M.

Any investing-related information provided on sayrita.com is for educational purposes only. Decision Technologies Corporation does not offer investment advisory or brokerage services, nor does it recommend or advise investors to buy or sell particular mutual funds, ETFs, or other investments.

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